AB Pazara Giriş Sitesi | madb.europa.eu |
ITC İstatistik Sitesi | www.trademap.org |
Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu | www.tuik.gov.tr |
Ticaret Bakanlığı Ülke Masaları | www.musavirlikler.gov.tr |
T.C. Ticaret Bakanlığı | www.ticaret.gov.tr |
Türkiye İhracatçılar Meclisi | www.tim.org.tr/ |
Eximbank | www.eximbank.gov.tr/ |
TUBİTAK | www.tubitak.gov.tr/ |
KOSGEB | www.kosgeb.gov.tr/ |
Sanayi Ar&Ge Projeleri Destekleme Programı | www.teydeb.tubitak.gov.tr/ |
TOBB İklimlendirme Sektör Meclisi | www.tobb.org.tr/ |
ASHRAE Turkish Chapter | ashrae.org.tr/ |
Baca İmalatçıları Ve Uygulayıcıları Derneği | www.bacader.org/ |
Doğal Gaz Cihazları Sanayicileri Ve İşadamları Derneği | www.dosider.org/ |
Ege Soğutma Sanayicileri Ve İş Adamları Derneği | http://essiad.org.tr/ |
Enerji Verimliliği ve Yönetimi Derneği | http://www.eyoder.org.tr/ |
Isıtma Soğutma Klima Araştırma Ve Eğitim Vakfı | http://iskav.org.tr/ |
İklimlendirme Soğutma Eğitim Danışma ve Araştırma Derneği | iseda.site/ |
İklimlendirme Soğutma Klima İmalatçıları Derneği | iskid.org.tr/ |
Isı Su Ses Ve Yangın Yalıtımcıları Derneği | www.izoder.org.tr/ |
Kazan Ve Basınçlı Kap Sanayicileri Birliği Derneği | www.kbsb.org.tr/ |
Mekanik Tesisat Müteahhitleri Derneği | mtmd.org.tr/ |
Türk Pompa Ve Vana Sanayicileri Derneği | www.pomsad.org.tr/ |
Soğutma Sanayii İş Adamları Derneği | www.sosiad.org.tr/ |
Türk Tesisat Mühendisleri Derneği | www.ttmd.org.tr/ |
Uluslararası Güneş Enerjisi Topluluğu | gunder.org.tr/ |
ABD | ICARHMA | International Council of Air-Conditioning, Refrigeration, and Heating Manufacturers Associations | www.icarhma.org |
ABD | ASME | American Society of Mechanical Engineers | www.asme.org |
ABD | ASHRAE | American Society of HVAC & Sanitary Engineers | www.ashraeasa.org |
ABD | AMCA | Air Movement and Control Association International | www.amca.org |
ABD | AHRI | Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute | www.ahrinet.org |
ABD | ACCA | Air-Conditioning Contractors of America | www.acca.org |
ALMANYA | BAU | German Construction Industry Federation | www.bauindustrie.de |
ALMANYA | VDKF | Verband Deutscher Kälte-Klima-Fachbetriebe e.V. | www.vdkf.de |
ALMANYA | DKV | German Society of Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Engineers Learn More | www.dkv.org |
ALMANYA | BIV | Federal Guild of the German Refrigeration Industry | www.biv-kaelte.de |
ALMANYA | BDH | Association for Efficiency and Renewable Energy | www.bdh-koeln.de |
ARJANTİN | AAF | Association of Air Conditioning and Refrigeration of Argentina | www.aafrio.org.ar |
AVRUPA | REHVA | Federation of European Heating and Air-Conditioning Associations | www.rehva.eu |
AVRUPA | FIEC | European Construction Industry Federation | www.fiec.eu |
AVRUPA | EUROVENT | Europe’s Industry Association for Indoor Climate (HVAC), Process Cooling, and Food Cold Chain Technologies | www.eurovent-association.eu |
AVRUPA | EPEE | The European Partnership for Energy and the Environment (Avrupa Enerji ve Çevre Ortaklığı) | www.epeeglobal.org |
AVRUPA | EIC | European International Contractors | www.eic-federation.eu |
AVRUPA | CICA | Confederation of International Contractors’ Associations | www.cica.net |
AVRUPA | AREA | Air conditioning & Refrigeration European Association | area-eur.be |
AVUSTRALYA | RACCA | Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Contractors’ Association | racca.asn.au |
AVUSTRALYA | AREMA | Aircoditioning and Refrigeration Equipment Manufactureres Association of Australia | arema.com.au |
AVUSTRALYA | AIRAH | Australian Institute of Refrigeration, Air Conditioning and Heating | www.airah.org.au |
AVUSTURYA | ÖKKV | Austrian Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Society | www.oekkv.at |
BAHREYN | BSE | Bahrain Society of Engineers | www.mohandis.org |
BELÇİKA | ATIC | Royal Association of Heating, Ventilation and Air-conditioning Technology | www.atic.be |
BREZİLYA | SBCC | Sociedade Brasileira De Controle De Contaminacao / Brazilian Society of Contamination Control | www.sbcc.com.br |
BREZİLYA | ASBRAV | South Brazilian Refrigeration, Air Conditioning, Heating and Ventilation Association | www.asbrav.org.br |
BREZİLYA | ABRAVA | The Brazilian Association of Refrigeration, Air Conditioning, Ventilation and Heating | www.abrava.com.br |
BREZİLYA | ABRAFAC | Brazilian Facilities Association / Associação Brasileira de Facilities | www.abrafac.org.br |
ÇEK CUMHURİYETİ | STP | Society of Environmental Engineering | www.stpcr.cz |
ÇİN | CRAA | China Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Industry Association | www.chinacraa.org |
ÇİN | CCHVAC | China Committee of HVAC | www.chinahvac.com.cn/cn/index.html |
ÇİN | CCCME | China Chamber of Commerce for Import and Export of Machinery and Electronic Products | www.cccme.org.cn |
ÇİN | CAR | Chinese Association of Refrigeration | www.car.org.cn |
DANİMARKA | DRA | Danish Refrigeration Association / Dansk Køleforening | www.dkforening.dk |
DANİMARKA | DANVAK | Danish Society of HVAC Engineers | www.danvak.dk |
EKVADOR | ATEAAR | The Ecuadorian Technical Association of Air Conditioning and Refrigeration / La Asociación Técnica Ecuatoriana de Aire Acondicionado y Refrigeración | www.ateaar.org |
FİLİPİNLER | PSVARE | Philippine Society of Ventilating, Air-Conditioning and Refrigerating Engineers | psvare.org |
FİLİPİNLER | PGBI | Philippines Green Building Initiative | greenbuilding.ph |
FİLİPİNLER | PCCI | Philippine Chamber of Commerce and Industry | philippinechamber.com |
FİNLANDİYA | LIVI | Finnish Association of Civil Engineers | www.ril.fi/en/main-page.html |
FİNLANDİYA | FINVAC | Finnish Association of Heating, Piping and Air-Conditioning Societies | www.finvac.org |
FRANSA | IIR | International Institute of Refrigeration | www.iifiir.org |
FRANSA | AICVF | French Association of Heating and Ventilation Engineers | aicvf.org |
GÜNEY KORE | SAREK | Society of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Engineers of Korea | www.sarek.or.kr |
GÜNEY KORE | KRAIA | Korea Refrigeration and Air-conditioning Industry Association | www.kraia.or.kr |
GÜRCİSTAN | GARCAE NGO | Georgian Association of Refrigerating, Cryogenic and Air-Conditioning | garcae.org.ge |
HİNDİSTAN | ISHRAE | The Indian Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers | www.ishrae.in |
HİNDİSTAN | AIACRA | All India Air Conditioning & Refrigeration Association | www.aiacra.com |
HOLLANDA | TVVL | Dutch Society for Building Services | www.tvvl.nl |
HOLLANDA | KNVVK | Royal Dutch Association of Refrigeration | www.knvvk.nl |
İNGİLTERE | IOR | The Institute of Refrigeration | www.ior.org.uk |
İRAN | Association of Mechanical Equipment of Building Engineers of Tehran | ||
İRAN | TCEO | Tehran Construction Engineering Organization | |
İRAN | ISHRAI | Iranian Syndicate of Heating, Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Industries | www.ishrai.com |
İRAN | IRSHRAE | Iranian Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineers | www.irshrae.ir |
İSPANYA | ATECYR | Spanish Technical Association of Air Conditioning and Refrigeration | www.atecyr.org |
İSPANYA | ACTECIR | Catalan Association of Technology, Energy, Air Conditioning and Refrigeration | www.actecir.cat |
İSRAİL | Israel Society Heating, Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Engineers | www.engineers.org.il | |
İSVEÇ | SWEDVAC | Swedish Society of Heating and Air-Conditioning Engineers | www.emtf.se |
İSVİÇRE | SWKI | Swiss Society of Building Technology Engineers | www.swki.ch |
İTALYA | AICARR | Italian Association of Air Conditioning, Heating and Refrigeration | www.aicarr.it |
İZLANDA | ICVAC | The Icelandic Heating, Ventilating and Sanitary Association | www.lafi.is |
JAPONYA | SHASE | Society of Heating, Air-Conditioning and Sanitary Engineers of Japan | www.shasej.org |
JAPONYA | JSRAE | Japan Society of Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers | www.jsrae.or.jp |
JAPONYA | JRAIA | The Japan Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Industry Association | www.jraia.or.jp |
KANADA | HRAI | Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Institute of Canada | www.hrai.ca |
KOLOMBİYA | ACAIRE | Columbian Association of Air Conditioning and Refrigeration | www.acaire.org |
LİBYA | OEA | Order of Engineers & Architects Tripoli | www.mouhandess.org |
LİTVANYA | LITES | Lithuanian Thermotechnical Engineers Society | www.ktu.lt/LISTIA |
LİTVANYA | AHGWTEL | Latvian Association of Heat, Gas and Water Technology Engineers | www.lsgutis.lv |
MACARİSTAN | ETE | Epitestudomanyi Egyesulet / Association of Architecs | www.eptud.org |
MEKSİKA | AMERIC | Mexican Association of Companies in the Industry of Building Installations | www.americmx.com |
MISIR | ESME | Egyptian Society of Mechanical Engineers | www.esme-egypt.com |
NORVEÇ | NORVAC | Norwegian Society of HVAC Engineers | www.vvs-foreningen.no |
PAKİSTAN | Pakistan HVACR Society | www.hvacr.org.pk | |
PERU | APVARC | Asociación Peruana de Ventilación, Aire Acondicionado, Refrigeración y Calefacción | |
POLONYA | PZITS | Polish Association Sanitary Engineers and Technicians | www.pzits.org.pl |
ROMANYA | AFCR | Romanian Association for Refrigeration and Cryogenics | www.criofrig.ro |
RUSYA FED. | APIC | Association of Professional Companies in Industry of Climate | www.apic.ru |
RUSYA FED. | ABOK | Russian Association of Engineers for Heating, Ventilating, Air-Conditioning, Heat Supply and Building Thermal Physics | www.abok.ru |
SIRBİSTAN | KGH | Serbian Society of HVAC&R | www.kgh-kongres.org |
SLOVENYA | SITHOK | Slovenian Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-conditioning Engineers | |
ŞİLİ | DITAR | Guild Association of Professionals of Air Conditioning and Refrigeration | www.ditar.cl |
ŞİLİ | CCHRYC | Cámara Chilena de Refrigeración y Climatización A.G | www.cchryc.cl |
TANZANYA | Tanzania Federation of Co-Operatives | ||
TANZANYA | TCCIA | Dar Es Salaam Chamber of Commerce | www.tccia.com/tccia |
TANZANYA | TBA | Tanzania Buildings Agency | www.tba.go.tz |
TANZANYA | CTI | Confederation of Tanzania Industies | www.cti.co.tz |
URUGUAY | ASURVAC | Asociacion Uruguaya de Refrigeracion, Ventilacion, Aire Acondicionado y Calefaccion | |
VENEZUELLA | TECFRIO | Assoc Nacional Capitulo Tech ASOFRIO | |
VİETNAM | VFCEA | Vietnam Association of Civil Engineering Environment, | |
VİETNAM | VACC | Vietnam Association of Construction Contractors, | www.vacc.vn |
YENİ ZELLANDA | IRHACE | Institute of Refrigeration, Heating and Air-Conditioning Engineers of New Zealand | www.irhace.org.nz |
YUNANİSTAN | TEE | Technical Chamber of Greece | www.tee.gr |