HVAC-R Exporters Association (ISIB) organized trade committee organizations in Brazil and Argentina, which are two big countries in South America, successively on June 4-11. 14 company owners and executives from Turkey held 176 meetings with the business people from 61 companies in Brazil and Argentina.
The organization began with the company visits on June 6 in Brazil, in which the committee was presided by ISIB Supervisory Board Member Murat Bakanay, and ISIB Board Member Okan Murat Erenoğlu participated. Later the ISIB committee visited the Republic of Turkey Sao Paulo Consul General Gürsel Evren and Commercial Attache Cansu Dinçer Zeybek, and gave information about the Turkish HVAC-R Sector and exchanged information with the Consul General and Commercial Attache about the commercial processes between the two countries.
20 Brazilian companies working in the fields of construction, contracting, and project management in Brazil participated in the bilateral business meetings, which were held at the Hilton Hotel on June 7, and held 68 business meetings with Turkish companies.
The ISIB committee that organized a trade committee organization in Buenos Aires, which is the capital of Argentina, on June 9, brought our Turkish companies and 41 companies in the fields of construction, contracting, and project management in Argentina together. In the gathering, a total of 108 business meetings were held. In the evening hours of the same day, in the dinner given in honor of the Republic of Turkey Buenos Aires Ambassador Şefik Vural Altay and Commercial Counsellor Biray Kuş, the ISIB committee exchanged views about the commercial activities between the two countries.
ISIB Supervisory Board Member and Head of Committee Murat Bakanay, in his statement about the trade committee organization, expressing that the organizations held in the two target countries were carried out successfully, said:
“As ISIB, we act in unison with all of our shareholders and act with a global inclusivity vision for explaining the power of the sector. From this vision, Brazil and Argentina are among the countries we wish to increase our exports for our sector. Although not in large numbers, our exports to this continent are continuing increasingly. I think and observe that these kinds of activities will help to increase our exports. We successfully carried out the trade committee organizations held in both countries. The 14 companies that joined us arranged their company and factory appointments to which they would pay a visit before and after the B2B meetings beforehand, and they were actually in very busy meeting traffic. Turkey and our sector have the power to present the solutions requested by our collocutors from the other party. And we will satisfy this request with all our strength. We will continue our works to maintain our trade committees and exhibition participation activities in South America in the next period.”