As part of our efforts towards developing the export capacity of Turkish HVAC&R sector, Turkish HVAC&R Exporters’ Association (İSİB) has organized the participation of a national delegation in Aclima 2019, organized on 12-14 November 2019 in Tel Aviv, Israel.
The fair showcased heating, cooling, air conditioning and ventilation products, and 7 Turkish firms including six which were part of İSİB’s national delegation (Frigoblock, Friterm, Gemak, General Filter Havak, Refkar, Üntes) attended the fair.
The fair commenced a day later than the original plan due to security concerns. Ahmet Yener, Turkey’s Commercial Counsellor to Tel Aviv, was among the participants of the Opening Ceremony, and paid visits to Turkish firms.
Representatives of the ISIB-member companies that attended the fair and other participants of the event gathered together at a dinner on November 13, hosted by İSİB.
The participating firms have reflected on the fair and emphasized the commercial liveliness and opportunities to establish dialogue throughout the event. The participants also welcomed the idea of attending the fair again in 2021.
The Turkish firms attending the fair also attended B2B meetings organized jointly by Ankara Chamber
of Commerce and Federation of Israeli Trade Chambers a day before the fair as part of European
Enterprise Network. The organization was a great success, and provided the ground for more than 30
business meetings.