Turkish HVAC&R Exporters Association (ISIB) has sent a Trade Delegation to Egypt, one of target markets of the Association as part of endeavours towards expanding the market. The delegation consisted of 30 members and included high-level participants such as Zeki Poyraz, Vice President of Turkish Export Assembly and Vice President of ISIB as well as Metin Duruk, Vice President of ISIB.
Zeki Poyraz, Vice President of Turkish Export Assembly and Vice President of ISIB, said that “following a period of recession, markets are again on the rise in Egypt and that there is a great need for Turkish products in the country. With their European-standard quality, Turkish products are in great demand in Egypt. The close ties between the two countries are also helpful. Our talks here with our Egyptian partners also yielded positive results. Turkish exporters must have a stronger presence in this market and must target long-term cooperations.”
Underlining that Egypt is a developing market, Mr. Poyraz stated that Turkish products are in a more favourable position compared to its rivals in this 2nd biggest market in Africa. Turkish companies, Mr. Poyraz said, must make better use of these opportunities.
“Egypt is a New and Big Market for Us”
ISIB Vice President Metin Duruk also said that the Egyptian market is very important for Turkish HVAC&R sector: “Egypt is a new and big market for our sector. There are companies operating in the same or similar areas, but they are not as competent and powerful. A remarkable observation has been on the work carried out by mechanical contracting companies. They operate almost at full capacity. We have to have a long term plan in Egypt, where investments are still in early phases. There is an interest towards Turkish products. To make use of this interest, we have to organize and take things seriously. We are producing and selling industrial products, which is why I believe we need to establish agencies and liaison offices here.”
Mr. Duruk also reminded the embargo on Turkish products due to political reasons, and stated that [ISIB] should work towards ensuring that Turkish products are not used in state investments. Duruk said that: “The Egyptian Government has produced a list of commercial products to support Egyptian business. This list does not include HVAC&R products, which is an advantage for us. We are aware of the negative environment resulting from the political tensions between the countries, and here we are still. We want to conduct a good work here in this market.” Duruk also reminded the listeners that though the sectoral products are produced at a basic level in Egypt, these products cannot match the quality of products produced in Turkey and that Turkish products, with their European-level quality, can easily satisfy the demand in Egypt. Mr. Duruk also said Turkish products enjoy a strong image in the market, which indicate that Turkish exporters and producers can easily sell products in this market. Mr. Duruk said he was accepting an increase in investments in Egypt in the next 10 years and added the following remarks: “Construction investments are just starting. Big shopping malls, hospitals will be built. The cities are undergoing a renewal. Therefore we must absolutely keep an eye on the Egyptian market. I believe Turkish firms will have great success in this market.” The Vice President also said such visits will help build bridges of cooperation between the two countries: “There will be new cooperation opportunities. This is in now way a one-time shot though. Just as it took us five years to establish good relations in Pakistan, our target in Egypt is to establish strong ties over the next few years. Therefore, we will follow up the fairs and other organizations in the market and will carry out B2B meetings.” Mr. Duruk also said Egypt could be an important market for cooling agents, industrial cooling devices, pump valve and instalment equipment. The objective of ISIB, according to Mr. Duruk, is to focus on all types of HVAC&R products in the future.
Mr. Duruk also informed the participants that Egyptian firms will be invited to ISK Sodex Istanbul, the biggest sectoral fair in Turkey, and these firms will be included in the procurement committees. This will also help, as Mr. Duruk suggested, establishing further ties between Turkish and Egyptian HVAC&R companies. Mr. Duruk said they were expecting a strong interest in the fair by Egyptian firms, and that Turkish firms will maket he best use of the Egyptian market, which is attractive for Turkish companies due to favourable conditions for logistics.
Companies in Trade Delegation to Egypt:
- Alfa Makina
- Alsanfan Makina
- BVN / Bahcıvan
- Deser Kimya San.
- Doğu İklimlendirme
- Erbay
- Ercan Teknik
- Faf Vana
- Frigomekanik
- Friterm Termik Cihazlar
- Mgt Filter
- Niba Cooling Towers
- Nowax
- Sarbuz Heat Exchangers
- Systemair HSK
- Termodizayn
- Ulpadust
- Üntes
- Vatbuz