The opening ceremony of ASHRAE South African Chapter, which started its operations in 2018 June with 120 members accross the country was held in Johannesburg on 27 July 2018. Mr. Zeki Poyraz, Vice President of the Board of Directors of Turkish HVAC&R Exporters Association (ISIB), delivered a speech at the event, where ISIB was a platinum sponsor. In his speech, Mr. Poyraz touched upon the importance of ASHRAE and the potential contributions of the event to the development of the sector in South Africa. Mr. Poyraz also briefed the participants about the current status of the sector in Turkey. ASHRAE Members as well as representatives from the leading institutions of the HVAC&R sector in South Africa also attended the event.
Within the framework of the event, ISIB representatives came together with the representatives of the following institutions. During the meetings that took place on 23-26 July 2018, ISIB representatives briefed their counterparts about the HVAC&R sector in Turkey as well as joint activities to be undertaken in the future.
• Consulting Engineers of South Africa
• The Council for Scientific and Industrial Research
• Engineering Council of South Africa
• Construction Industry Development Board
• South African Institue of Refrigeration and Airconditioning
• Green Building Council of South Africa
• South African Institute of Mechanical Engineers
• South African Refrigerated Distribution Association
• The University of Pretoria